This policy was recently updated.

You're in control


Last Revision:

Any references to advertising on the site have been revoked.

Who is cbtec Technologies?

cbtec Technologies ('Company', 'We', 'Us' or 'Our') is the company behind the hosting of this domain.

We are the data sub-controllers of the site and provide the services to the user. The content displayed on this domain is hosted by cbtec Technologies on cbtec Technologies servers, unless stated otherwise. cbtec Technologies controls the core operations of the website. It is not to be held accountable for the persons represented by the site. '' and cbtec Technologies are seperate entities. '' is a client of cbtec Technologies and does not represent the company in anyway, shape or form. In a similiar capacity, this domain is not representative of 'cbtec Technologies' or our business model.

How do we use Cookies?

Your cookie data is used to ensure that the best user experience can be provided to you no matter your device, region or network speed. Without this cookie data, your device may not be optimised for correctly. Using with cookies ensures that the experience provided to you, as the user, is as it was designed. cbtec Technologies may use cookies to track activity on the website, region, device type, timezone data, operating system and browser information along with the number of requests sent from that device. CloudFlare, a third party service we use, uses cookies for analytic purposes. Google AdSense and Google Analytics uses cookies and is deployed throughout this domain. cbtec Technologies reserves the right to include third party advertising content for monetisation purposes, and data collection policies are independent to such services. We use Cookie and Local Storage data, to collate watch data for users of, cbtec Video and other streaming services offered by cbtec Technologies.

Third party integrations may contain cookies that are stored on your device for data collection purposes.
For more information, please visit the Advertising section of this pop up.

How to remove cookies

Cookies & Local Storage can be cleared by navigating to the top of the browser on desktop
and clicking the SSL lock icon. The consumer will then navigate to the cookies tab and expand
the folder of cookies they would like to remove. To remove specific cookies,
click on the specified cookie and click the remove button accordingly.

What are cookies?

A browser cookie is a tiny text file stored on your computer when you visit a website
with cookies. It is a file accessed by your browser to deliver to the website
when you visit it again. It remembers the choices you made on that website and sometimes
how often you visit it.

In other circumstances, websites may use cookies to track what you do online or count the amount of requests you send to the website.

What is Local Storage?

Alternative to cookies, our sites may use local storage for ease of use to you as a user. Local Storage is used as a faster method of storing data that does not need to be secured.Some examples may include (but not limited to) the following: Closing this cookie popup, changing from light mode to dark mode, etc.

Many sites use Local Storage to store simple settings that are exclusive to your device, this website3 and your browser.

Local Storage data, alike cookies, are tiny text files stored on your device. Unlike cookies, however, local storage files have no defined expiration date and are not removed automatically.

Despite your opinion on this policy, any options you dismiss will create local storage data automatically. This data is required for the site to function and cannot be disabled.

How do I remove Local Storage data?

Local Storage data is removed alongside cookies. To remove Local Storage files, please refer to the "How to remove cookies" section for more information.

For ease of use, this is not recommended.

3 Local Storage data may be accessed by other sites in the form of in-page embeds.

Third Parties

cbtec Technologies uses third party applications, software and/or programs to provide services to the end user. As a result, some user data is collected in the form of cookies and analytical data. Third party software may "contact" or "interact" with cookies collected from our domains reguardless of activity. We use services such as Google Analytics and CloudFlare for analytical and security purposes.

While cbtec Technologies does not actively engage in first party tracking, we cannot account for third party software. It is the consumers responsibility to opt out of third party collection services on their respective domains.

To find out more about the information collected while you visit our domains, visit the third party domains to view their policies and terms of use.


cbtec Technologies abides by UK law and regulation surrounding independent software companies.
cbtec Technologies reserves the right to amend this policy according to new regulation or revisions in company policy.

If you believe this disclaimer does not correctly identify your legal rights in terms of advertising, GDPR and/or use of cookies on our services, please contact [email protected] and we will respond accordingly.

Please ensure you do your research before consenting to cookies. Our privacy policy is located here: cbtec Video Privacy Policy

The below choices relate to cookie settings exclusively.

Do you, as a consumer of cbtec Technologies provided services, agree to the use of non-essential cookies on this website?